Gender Pay Gap

As of today, men have already achieved the income that women will have to work for until the end of the year. The average pay gap of 16.9 percent corresponds to a period of 62 calendar days per year. hrdiamonds is strongly committed to equal opportunities and the elimination of the gender pay gap. As a company founded and managed by women, with 75% of the team made up of women, this issue is particularly important to us.

In today's society, it is increasingly important to address the issue of diversity and inclusion. Companies play a crucial role here, as they have the opportunity to make a positive difference. By actively and comprehensively addressing the issue, they can help to create a more inclusive and fairer working world. To promote these values, we have worked together as a team to gain gender and diversity certification. Through this training, we have deepened our understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the world of work and expanded our knowledge of how we can implement these values in our daily actions.

In addition, we work closely with experts to ensure that we are always up to date and can offer the best possible support. One such expert is Eva Maria Riess, who we have engaged in collaboration with for the Integrationswerkstatt (integration work shop). Her experience and expertise enable us to make our diversity and inclusion efforts even more effective.

Together, we are working towards a world in which equality and equal opportunities are not just empty promises, but a reality. Today serves as a reminder that we must all work together to close the gender pay gap and create a fairer future.
Photo: Shutterstock

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