Old Hands In New Work

Old Hands In New Work

During a wonderful evening event organized by velcom GmbH, which we have successfully accompanied for several years, Vincent Paulischin had the pleasure of meeting Ivan Djordjevic, MSc from TELE Haase Steuergeraete Ges.m.b.H.. The two had an intensive exchange about their extremely fascinating form of organization.

Today, Vincent, together with Martin Kneschaurek (Managing Director of velcom, pictured here) and Branko Perišić, had the opportunity to visit the company on site and take a look at their production facility. Ivan and Markus Stelzmann took a lot of time to philosophize with them about their organizational structure.

A new way of shaping companies is put to practice here! And what really counts are organizations that consistently focus on people and act innovatively, sustainably and profitably.

Thank you very much for the insight and the exciting discussions. We are sure that we will stay in touch.

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