Art Forum - Andrea Pernegr

If you were to look at Andrea Pernegr's paintings with an analytical eye, you would probably think: this is abstraction par excellence, this is what non-representational painting looks like. You would be right with the first part of the analysis, but wrong with the second. Andrea Pernegr's paintings may be abstract, but they are also profoundly figurative, even if you can't necessarily tell at first glance.

For Andrea Pernegr ALWAYS starts from the visible world in her works. It is ALWAYS objects that are at the center of her works, from whose form and (meaningful) content the artist spins images and stories. She devotes herself to the things we use every day, to which we normally pay no particular attention, but which accompany us throughout our lives and whose sight and use shape our everyday lives. For her, they are homely objects that express security, protection, and home in an unagitated, unpathetic way.

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