The Art in Consulting

Yesterday was the second date in our series of events in connection with our 15th anniversary.

What connects art with business consulting?
In coaching sessions, our consultants repeatedly use images as a professional and effective intervention measure.
By using image observation as a creative method, it is possible for concerns and situations to become clearer, resources to be activated and objectives to be more explicit.

Denn „ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte”, Frederick Barnard (1921) und können vom Gehirn sofort aufgenommen und verstanden werden.
Images convey coded messages and generate emotions in the viewer and form a bridge to the unconscious. Knowledge, solutions and insights come to light that can hardly or only with difficulty be developed purely with the mind, drawing from the source of consciousness. Increased practice in looking at images and incorporating the unconscious increases trust in so-called feelings and one's own intuition.

We tried out this creative method with our customers after a great guided tour of the Albertina Modern.
Questions such as: "How courageous am I in my life when it comes to change, upheaval, etc.? (Professional/Private/Self)", they worked on with a picture of their choice.

Afterwards, we ended the evening together. We are grateful for the 15 years of exchange and experience that we have been able to share with our customers.

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