Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Ones Go Everywhere!

Today's "15 years hrdiamonds" special is accompanied by something very special: a new podcast episode with the provocative title: "Good girls go to heaven, bad ones go everywhere!". In the episode, managing partners, Doris Weyer and Ulrike Jung, dive into the compelling topic.

Get involved in a stimulating discussion that will broaden your horizons. Look forward to personal insights into their backgrounds, mentors and role models who have shaped their paths. They will talk about the challenges they faced, among others, as women in a male-dominated industry - defying prejudices and stereotypes. The podcast will provide personal insights into how the two have overcome obstacles and brought their learnings into the company. The founding and management of hrdiamonds was significantly shaped by these experiences and remains influenced by them.

But that's not all: Doris and Ulrike will also take a look at the bigger social picture. They will shed light on what changes are urgently needed in our society to ensure that progress and equality continue to advance. This requires courage to be non-conformist and to question patterns.

Listen in as they share their thoughts and insights that not only shape entrepreneurship and business management at hrdiamonds, but also help shape a more inclusive and equal future for us all. Don't miss this podcast episode!

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