Family Event At The Rowing Club
Without our families and partners, we would not be able to do our work the way we do every day! And that's exactly why we at hrdiamonds celebrate with our loved ones every year. Their support and encouragement enable us to go about our work with joy and strength, which is why it is important to us to say THANK YOU. [...]
hrdiamonds at the "Festivalsommer Neusiedler See"
Last week Doris Weyer and Anna Obkircher took part in the "Festivalsommer Neusiedler See" in the enchanting winter garden of the Volksgarten. This artists' festival, organized by Esterhazy Betriebe AG and the province of Burgenland, offered a colourful mixture of musical diversity and artistic performances. The impressive performances, coupled with fantastic summer temperatures, made the evening an unforgettable experience. Many thanks for [...]
Artificial Intelligence and Gender
Zur Feier des Internationalen Frauentages lud Doris Bures, die Zweite Präsidentin des Nationalrates, letzte Woche in das österreichische Parlament ein. Dabei wurde das Thema “Frauen und KI – Diskriminierungsfalle oder feministischer Aufschwung” diskutiert und unsere liebe Claudine Ulreich und Doris Weyer durften live dabei sein. Der Fokus des Events lag darauf, KI aus einer feministischen […]
hrdiamonds Kick-Off Vernissage
Last Thursday, we had the pleasure of hosting our hrdiamonds Kick-Off Vernissage at our premises. It was a wonderful evening! A big thank you to all our customers, friends and art enthusiasts who spent this special evening with us. Your support and interest mean so much to us! We bring art to life by offering artists the […]
hrdiamonds at the Family Policy Conversation
Gestern hatten wir die Ehre, am Familienpolitischen Gespräch im Bundeskanzleramt teilzunehmen, das sich auf den Austausch zu familienpolitisch relevanten Fragestellungen konzentriert! Unter dem Titel “Familien(freundlichkeit) im Fokus – 30 Jahre Internationales Jahr der Familie” erlebten wir spannende Einblicke und inspirierende Diskussionen. Warum waren wir dabei? Bei hrdiamonds sind wir stolz darauf, Familienfreundlichkeit großzuschreiben und Karriere […]
hrdiamonds Kick-Off Vernissage
Dear customers, friends, acquaintances, family members and anyone who would like to get to know us, we invite you to the vernissage and start of the year on February 15 in our offices in the heart of Vienna. Artist Monika Herschberger will not only adorn our premises with her artworks for the coming months but will also give you the opportunity to view her […]
Christmas Party
This year's hrdiamonds Christmas party took place directly after our final meeting! It was a festive opportunity to reflect on the past year together and look back on the successes and learnings that have shaped us as an organization. This year, we are not only celebrating the festive season, but also proudly celebrating our 15th anniversary! It's great to […]
Giving Back Challenge
GIVING BACK CHALLENGE Gemeinsam schenken – denn was gibt es Schöneres als anderen eine Freude bereiten? Es liegt uns besonders am Herzen, etwas zurückzugeben und inmitten des Glanzes der Weihnachtszeit jene nicht zu vergessen, die unsere Unterstützung benötigen. Daher starten wir im Dezember im Rahmen unseres “15 Jahre hrdiamonds” Events gemeinsam die “Giving Back Challenge”. […]
Christmas Party Vienna Marriott Hotel
Christmas season is here! Yesterday we had the pleasure of attending the Vienna Marriott Hotel's annual Christmas party. It was a wonderful opportunity not only to get into the festive spirit, but also to deepen our connection with Marriott away from the usual business meetings. The festive atmosphere and warm hospitality of the Vienna Marriott Hotel once again made […]
Podcast Event - 15 Years hrdiamonds
15 years hrdiamonds - CELEBRATING with our customers every month. Our last face-to-face event of our monthly event series "15 years hrdiamonds" took place yesterday. Together with our valued cooperation partners, the experts from the multimedia agency sisigrant, we immersed ourselves in the fascinating world of podcasting. As part of a mini workshop, we got to know the do's and don'ts, were allowed to try out equipment […]